Elven Empire: Difference between revisions

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-City Laws-
-City Laws-
Each city in the empire has one main demand, which is do NOT teleport in anyone unless they are an elf. The only time other people are allowed in the city is if the city is a trade port or if there is a major event occurring where everybody, and anybody is allowed in.
Each city in the empire has one main demand, which is do NOT teleport in anyone unless they are an elf. The only time other people are allowed in the city is if the city is a trade port or if there is a major event occurring where everybody, and anybody is allowed in.
Terrorist Activity
The term terrorist activity covers various actions commonly associated with terrorism such as kidnapping, assassination, hijacking, nuclear, biological, or chemical agents, the use of firearms or other dangerous devices etc.
The INA defines terrorist activity quite expansively such that the term can apply to persons and actions not commonly thought of as terrorists and to actions not commonly thought of as terrorism.  Significantly, there is no exception under the law for “freedom fighters,” so most rebel groups would be considered to be engaging in terrorist activity even if fighting against an authoritarian regime.
Engaging in Terrorist Activity
This includes actions such as planning or executing a terrorist activity, soliciting others to do so, providing material support to a terrorist organization or member of a terrorist organization, and soliciting funds or recruiting members for a terrorist organization.
