Port Victoria

From PirateCraft
Port Victoria From The Livemap


Port Victoria is a colony of the British Empire. It was originally built by The Dominion Of Canada as Ottawa. It is home to stores, a pub, a government building, houses, and a bustling port. It is located very close to Port Vernesse and a short boat ride from Gloomsbay. Planned features include: a Police station, a hotel, a shipyard, another fortress, more houses, an expansion of the streets, and a building for visiting government officials.


Port Victoria will be home to high-end retail stores. They will carry goods of the highest quality and will have an affordble price!

Store List

  • The General Store
  • Victorian Supply Co. (Floating Store - Coming Soon)
  • V_I_B_E_S' Fishery (Coming Soon)
  • Horse Stables (Also Coming Soon)



Local Laws & Requirements


  • If you have a residence in Port Victoria, unexplained inactivity will be dealt with hastily. Inactivity of 7 days will result in immediate eviction and confiscation of items by request of the governor. Confiscated items will be held for 7 more days before being transferred to the city bank in the event of a an inactivity longer than the shown time.
  • If a resident wishes to change the exterior of his/her residence they must submit a request for a permit at city hall.
  • More To Be Added


  • When docking for short periods of time in Port Victoria you are welcome to use our docks, but when staying for long periods of time we suggest anchoring in the harbour where you won’t block other ships.


  • PVP between citizens must only take place in the designated PVP arena.
  • Any acts of violence between citizens that are deemed to be malicious will be dealt with in the local court or the federal court.
  • Please report any acts of violence either to a BE leader or the governor.


Port Victoria is currently under construction and phase one is expected to be finished within the next few months. The current plan for the town consists of 3 phases, the first phase is infrastructure (roads, port, defence, and government buildings), the second phase is residential (houses and apartments), and the third phase is miscellaneous (parks, decoration, more stores, redstone compatibility, and improvements to make life easier). Those are the first 3 phases, there will be more phases added in the next few months/years (depending on construction speed and demand for expansion). For more info please contact the governor, SpikyCactus01. Long Live The British Empire