dpex81 ยป
Dpex81 skin.png
Joined: 6th September 2015
Rank: Quartermaster
Crew: Eternal Empire of Hydra
Position: Director General
Stats: https://piratemc.com/pirate/dpex81/

dpex81 is the Director General of The Eternal Empire of Hydra. Although incorrectly assumed to be the leader of Hydra, he is more famously accredited for the creation of the Hydra Box and the majority of Hydra's Youtube content.

Early Life

Dpex81 established The Eternal Empire of Hydra (then called Reich) with macro26, trooper306, Spock1101 and RebornSparta in September of 2015.


  • Designed the outer Hydra Box, and associated piping systems
  • Build of the month winner, November 2016
  • Designer of the most robust, fully-automated Invisibility Potion machine on Piratecraft

Familial RelationshipsEdit

Previous CrewsEdit