2015 MediaWiki User Survey/Distribution
Below is a list of potential ways of distributing the survey. Contacts that have been...contacted are denoted below.
Mailing ListsEdit
- mediawiki-l - DONE
- mediawiki-enterprise-l - DONE
- wikiapiary-l - DONE
- semediawiki-user - DONE
- semediawiki-dev - DONE
Hallo Welt!Edit
Newsletter archive: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=744bf8f8cb052af225b0240d9&id=5a4d11c083&e=8a13404e1e - DONE
Social Media Channels: Twitter, Facebook, Google plus - DONE
IRC ChannelsEdit
- #mediawiki - DONE
Large Public WikisEdit
- https://www.coincompendium.com/w/index.php/Main_Page
- http://www.deepskypedia.com/wiki/DeepSkyPedia
- http://wiki.listedtech.com/wiki/Main_Page
- http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC:Contact_us - ✓
- http://www.wikiocity.com/Main_Page
- https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Main_Page
- Practical Plants ([email protected]) - ✓
- gamepedia.com - ✓
- Wikihow - ✓
- http://www.referata.com/wiki/Main_Pae - ✓
- http://biowikifarm.net/meta/Biowikifarm - ✓
- [email protected] - ✓
- http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Wiki:FAQ
- http://nyc.pediacities.com/Special:Contact
- Wikia - ✓
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists - ✓
- NASA - ✓