The Peacekeepers Alliance | |
Flag caption | |
Leader: | Multi-Lead |
Founded: | 8 January 2020 |
Member Count: | X |
Structure: | Republicratic Government |
Character: | Description |
Republicratic Government
The basis of this style of governing is simple, and will be directed towards multiple crews formed within an alliance. However, this is not an explicitly alliance-based style of government, and all other governmental bodies can use this as seen fit. Furthermore, nothing within these articles are to change anything within a crew or change anything within that crew’s governmental body, with the exception of All things established in this article are considered to be Foundational Laws (laws that cannot be changed; i.e. a Constitution). Notice that all things pertaining to this alliance are to be made in a fashion that relates to Peace, or, the Stopping of All Fighting and Wars Amongst Members In and On the PMC Server.
Creation of Laws
The law-making process is a three-step process: Senate voting, Assembly voting, and Archive updating. The first step is the Senate voting. The Senate shall be made up of all active members of a set time, including both the Speaker and the Archiver, as well as at least three crews being represented by at least one member. It shall be a series of voting sessions, sessions voting on the laws wanted to be created by the members of the alliance. Their requests will all be made known in any form or fashion to the current Speaker. The Speaker shall go over these requests in the order that he/she so chooses. A majority vote is required to pass a law, and all passed laws will be recorded by the Speaker, as well as the Archiver. These laws then are passed to the Senate voting. The Senate voting session will be made up of one representative from each crew, which can be decided however the crew sees fit (by vote, appointment, or otherwise), as well as the Archiver and the Speaker. At least half of the Senate must be present as well as the Archiver to vote. The Speaker (or Archiver if the Speaker isn’t present) will read all laws that were voted to vote on by the Assembly. If a majority is reached (majority of total reps, not reps present) of people in favor, the law will be passed on to Archive updating. This will be noted by the Archiver. If it fails, it will be dismissed without further discussion. If a unanimous vote is reached amongst all total reps, the law will be considered a Foundational Law. Once a law has been passed onto Archive updating, it is officially considered to be a law, effective immediately after being placed in the Archives. The Archiver shall update the Archives within a week of the meeting. All laws within the Archives are considered to be active and are to be followed.
Disbandment of Laws
The disbandment of a law is a two-step process: Assembly voting and Archive updating. After a law has been in place for two months, it is able to be disbanded unless it is a Foundational Law. No Foundational Law can be removed by any means, ever. All requests for laws to be disbanded will be made known in any form or fashion to the current Archiver. A vote will be made during an Assembly vote, with the majority of total reps ruling. All reps not present are to be considered against the removal of a law, with no exceptions. If a law is voted to be removed, the Archiver will make a note and it will move to Archive updating. The Archive updating will take place within one week of the vote, and will be the removal of that law and all laws pertaining to it.
Governmental Positions
The governmental positions are the Senate, the Representatives, the Assembly, the Speaker, and the Archiver. The Senate is a body of all the members of the alliance. The Representatives are to come from every crew within the alliance, by whatever means the crew sees fit, with one rep per crew. The Assembly will be made up of all the Representatives. The Speaker shall be voted upon every 60 days by the Senate, and the change will take place immediately. The Archiver shall be voted upon by the Assembly every 60 days, but the new Archiver will study under the old Archiver for 30 days. After those 30 days, the new Archiver’s 60 day term will begin.
The times that will be met at are as follows: The Senate shall meet once every thirty days. The Assembly shall meet every sixty days. Archive updates shall happen once every seven days.
Courts will have a Prosecution (who will be the Accuser), a Defense (who will be the Accused), a Judge (who will be the Speaker), and a Jury (which will be made up of Rep’s choices, but no Rep that is in a different position can make a choice). There will be no intentional violence between members. The court will start with the Prosecution reading the charges. The Defense will then state why they are not guilty. The Prosecution will then give the evidence for said charges. The Defense will rebuke that evidence, and will then give his/her evidence. The Prosecution will then rebuke that evidence. Then, the Prosecution will call witnesses forwards, and the Defense will question them. The Defense will call forward witnesses afterwards, and the Prosecution will question them. Both sides then sum up their arguments with 1 statement. The Jury will then vote, and the Judge will offer a punishment to the loser. The loser will then decide which punishment (one asked for, or one given) is applied.
Application of Laws
All alliance laws should be designed with the interest of a separation between crew and alliance. However, in the case a law requiring interaction with a crew, the law will be followed with that crew as the crew’s own law. A law that interferes with one of the crew’s laws will only take effect with EA matters, not crew-related matters.
A war will be decided by a Senate vote. If a majority is reached, all crews must fight in that war. Otherwise, the war is a matter of the crew’s, not the alliance’s. A war can only be ended by the alliance with a 2/3 majority vote from the Assembly.
Adding Crews
A Senate vote decides if a crew can be allowed to join, and an Assembly vote (2/3 majority) will decide if the crew joins or not.
Removing Crews
Crew may leave by one of 2 ways: Leaving the crew on their own or being kicked out. A court case may be instated, with the Jury being the Reps of the crew, rather than representatives, and the charges would be betrayal (the only charge a crew can get kicked out with). If guilty, the crew will be removed from the crew.