The good boy era is a period of good boys fighting bad bois. Everything started when Creprr got sieged for 2 hours by Cappur a notable pmc raider. Romich02 the Italian Helped creeper at defeating the siegers and they become super fast FREEEnS. They decided to create a discord for cooperating together. The third member was Cysteen notable businessman they more players joined the discord and starter working together at spying enemies and making a target list.
The first person killed was Griffine and nitro da taco by Romich02 the 25/03/2019.
The official war between good boys and bad boi started.
Here the list of all bad bois killed in GSET LOL LLLLL.
griffine and nitrodataco by Romich02 25/03
ThrowingKnife by Romich02 29/03
Grafando by Romich and Creeprr 30/03
Driftingsixguns 31/03 by Romich and creeprr 31/03
Nitro by Minister and Romich 31/03
Shizzle by Creeprr and Romich 02/04
Grifine by Sarisqatil 03/04
Baconx_ by Romich 10/04
Bloatedhippo by Romich 11/04
Bloatedhippo by Halo and Verpurst 11/04
Bloatedhippo by Romich 12/04
Baconx by Romich and saris 13/04
Dagoat Mrfabifbad by Crazymoney grafando stas creeprr 14/04
Hippo Mrfabi by too many good boys 14/04
Yee453 killed 2 times by Creeprr 15/04
Frstofox by creeprr 15/04
MrFabifab by Sj 25/04
Shizzle and nitro by Sj 29/04
xfrost by Romich 30/04_Bonzer by sj 19/05
Jusa and drifting by Romich 31/05
Hippo by Minister 1/06
JustSkillz (leon) by Romich 10/06
Joshua by Sj 27/06
Cappur by Sj 10/07
ZackBacon by Sj 2/08
ZackBacon by sj 10/08
Zackbacon was the last man killed by GBG. Good boy gang era after that kill stopped working cause most of the enemies got baned or left the server.The second good boy era started the 31/07/2019 with new bad bois and targets.