Adult Swim is a crew formed in late July 2016 by Raven228 and CommanderCorazon. Unlike crews like the British Empire and Elven Empire, who are more organized and political based, Adult Swim is more focused on having fun and being laid back. All the ranks in the crew are from AS shows such as Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Family Guy. The two crew members spent their time in the crew building structures that many would deem retarded. CommanderCorazon built the Teen Titan Tower while Raven228 built an island out of stone slabs. Raven spent hours working on that project, also spending many of his claim blocks on it. After a couple of weeks, Raven228 lost his interest in the construction and sold the claim.
The PossibilityEdit
On August 8th, 2016, The PirateCraft world expanded. The expansion offered Adult Swim new possibilities for success and prosperity. When traveling and exploring, Raven and Commander stumbled upon an Ocean Monument. Before Galaxy219 or others could claim it, CommanderCorazon claimed the center-most part of the monument. After several days of saving up claim blocks, the two were able to claim the entire Ocean Monument. After two weeks of clearing the water and fighting guardians, the Ocean Monument was now able to be the Adult Swim crew home. Raven228 would later build a port and a submarine beside the monument. Crew members would arrive to the crew home to explore and discover the leaders' history and adventures. The crew later disbanded because CommanderCorazon and Raven228 thought the crew was gay.