
Revision as of 18:53, 2 May 2022 by CreatingWithKass (talk | contribs)
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Date Joined: 26 March 2020
Residence: Sovengon
Crew: Valyrian Freehold
Rank: Sea Artist, Commodore, Firstmate

Basic Information

Name: CreatingWithKass (Kass)

Rank In-Game: Sea Artist, Privateer, Firstmate

Crew: the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)

Crew Rank: Leader; Mother of Dragons

Previous Crews: ROME, HOPE


CreatingWithKass, or more commonly known as just Kass, is considered a new player to the PirateCraft community. Starting in March 2020, she joined the Imperial Roman Empire and the ranks of their Legion as a deckie. Kass had a lot of fun in ROME, despite all the turmoil caused by being in the crew, and made a lot of really great friends along the way. These included: Enderzalt, Solembus13, MysticTitan, GoldenMoneyy, CosmicKing, and Son_of_Tyr, to name a few. She worked through the ranks and ultimately ended as the Capal of Military and Legatus, a high status in the Roman Military, before leaving the crew.

Current Information

After leaving ROME, Kass helped found the Valyrian Freehold, a Game of Thrones based crew full of experienced players. Some of the most influential members include MysticTitan, Atalantaa, Solembus13, Enderzalt, GoldenMoneyy, Son_of_Tyr and herself. The Empire has been alive for around two months and has already made it to /crewtop 1, 5th place, and made plenty of allies along the way.

She currently resides in a base-town (named Sōvengon) to the far north-west of the PirateMC map, in one of the more peaceful sides of the world.

Staff Team

After 7 months of active playing, Kass became a Privateer (Helper) and joined the staff team in October. At the time she was still in ROME, so joining staff (along with Solembus13) as a Roman was a first for everyone. She is now happily on the moderating team and has made even more friends with this experience, and hopes to keep good relations throughout her time on the server.

Recently, Kass joined the media team as a Sea Artist, finishing the Pumpkin Patch 2020 competition for GodsDead.

Update: Kass has joined the Moderator team as a Commodore as of September, 2021.